2021 Turkey Dash Nov. 20 in Libby
by Dani Gordon, Turkey Dash Coordinator
November 12, 2021
The 7th Turkey Dash is on! It will be held at J Neils Park again. The 5K/2.5K fun run will begin on Saturday, November 20th, 2021 at 10 AM. This year our proceeds will be split between the Libby Food Pantry and the Veterans Coalition of Northwest Montana. Both are worthy of our support.
The run/walk registration fee is: $25 (under 12 years of age) $35 (12 years and older) $30 for Military Run/walk Registration forms can be picked up at Helen’s Jewelry, Facebook and Pure North Athletic Club, or they can be emailed to you by contacting, faithbiblechurch@frontiernet.net or call Faith Bible Church, 406-293-7441.
Anyone can register on race day.
The t-shirt and banner-on-the-fence deadline is past, but if you would still like to be a sponsor for this worthwhile cause, please call Dani Gordon at 406-291-7076 or email Terry at tnt4dnc@hotmail.com and they will get the necessary forms to you.
We hope to see you there, whether running or encouraging!