Stimson Lumber Company land closure
by Bruce Rowland, Stimson Area Woodlands Manager-Montana
August 1, 2021
Stimson Lumber Company is committed to protecting its forest resources and to the recreating public’s safety. The ongoing drought and hot summer temperatures have substantially increased the risk of wildfire, leading to making the difficult decision to close all of Stimson’s Inland Region timberlands to public access and recreation, effective August 2, 2021. The public’s use of open Stimson roads and walk-in access to our privately-owned timberlands in northern Idaho, western Montana and Eastern Washington is being closed due to the extreme risk. Stimson will regularly evaluate the situation but anticipate the closure will last until wetting rains reduce the hazard later in the season. For inquiries about the closure, contact our office in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho at (208) 762-6559. Additional information on the company’s public access program can be found at Stimson Lumber Company is a family-owned forest products company based in Portland, Oregon. The firm owns over 600,000 acres of timberland in the Pacific Northwest and is a leading producer of forest products in the U. S.