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LibbyMt.com > News > December 2020 > Polar Bear Plunge

Libby Creek. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Libby Creek
On a beautiful December day.

Matt's plunge. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Matt's plunge
Polar Bear Plunge
by Maggie Craig
December 7, 2020

Libby’s newest Polar Bear took a plunge on Sunday afternoon, December 6, in Libby Creek. Matt, coming from Rexford, took an extended plunge in the creek as part of the weekly Polar Bear plunges that are scheduled for 2:00 p.m. every Sunday at the Farm to Market bridge over Libby Creek. Follow Matt's plunge in the pictures below, his second in Libby. Air temperature was 25° with an estimated water temperature of 39°.

Anyone interested in taking his or her own polar bear plunge on any Sunday at 2:00 p.m. is encouraged to contact Libby’s Polar Bear president Rick Klin to arrange a monitored plunge (for safety reasons). Libby’s Polar Bear numbers have dwindled in recent years and Rick would like very much to revive the activity he loves. There are both health benefits and risks associated with cold water plunges, and Rick would be happy to talk to anyone who has an interest in learning more. He can be reached at 406-293-5014 or techrkdk@frontiernet.net. As always, spectators are welcome to attend to watch the intrepid souls take the plunge.

Heading to the spot. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Heading to the spot

Checking time for a five minute soak. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Checking time for a five minute soak

Time to do this. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Time to do this

Getting comfortable. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Getting comfortable

Mindful breathing helps. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Mindful breathing helps
And keeping the fingers out of the water keeps them warm(er).

Time's up. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Time's up

Going under. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Going under

Invigorating!. Photo by LibbyMT.com.

Still not done. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Still not done

Time for goggles. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Time for goggles

Diving in for a few strokes . Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Diving in for a few strokes

Calling it a day. Photo by LibbyMT.com.
Calling it a day

LibbyMt.com > News > December 2020 > Polar Bear Plunge
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