Kootenai RC Flyers Fun Fly
July 13, 2020
The Kootenai RC Flyers Fun Fly was held Saturday, July 11, at the club's airstrip on the Haul Road. Local club members and others from Eureka and the Flathead shared their interest in remote controlled flying aircraft for the day. Local Boy Scout Troop 1971 was on hand to provide refreshments. The weather was perfect with sunshine and a clear blue sky for watching the maneuvers.
More information about Libby's RC Flyers Club can be found at KootenaiRCFlyers on Facebook.
The Kootenai RC Racers, the sister club for remote controlled cars, will be holding their annual "Hot August Showdown" at their new location in Libby on July 31-August 2. Visit their Facebook page at KootenaiRCRacers for more information about this spectator-worthy event.