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LibbyMt.com > News > January 2019 > Lt. Governor Cooney in Troy Jan. 30 to discuss Pilot Broadband Project

Lt. Governor Cooney in Troy Jan. 30 to discuss Pilot Broadband Project
by Montana Governor Steve Bullock media release
January 28, 2019

TROY, MONTANA – On Wednesday, January 30th, Lt. Governor Mike Cooney, along with Deloitte Consulting Government and Public Services team members, will meet with Superintendent Francom and Principal Rewarts to discuss broadband issues in Troy, and how it relates to the school and learning. They will discuss what access the school has, what they need, and opportunities to achieve better broadband access. The Lt. Governor will tour the elementary school following the interview from 1-1:30pm.

WHO: Lt. Governor Cooney; Troy School Superintendent, Jacob Francom; Troy Elementary School Principal, Diane Rewerts; Deloitte Consulting
WHAT: Main Street Montana- Rural Partners & Deloitte Consulting pilot broadband project in Troy
WHEN: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 12:30-1:30 PM
WHERE: W.F. Morrison Elementary School, 501 E. Kalispell Ave, Troy, Montana

Deloitte’s Project Overview: Smart Rural Communities

This effort is a collaboration between the Montana Governor’s Office of Economic Development – Main Street Montana Rural Partners led by Elisa Fiaschetti, the Montana Telecommunications Association led by Geoff Feiss, and Deloitte’s Government and Public Services practice. Over the course of the next 12 weeks, Deloitte hopes to work closely with all the stakeholders, including the Governor’s Office, MTA, and the community of Troy to explore challenges the community is facing as it relates to rural broadband and identify key opportunities across industries where broadband can accelerate economic development.

The project aspires to identify distinct strategies and an actionable plan for Troy in designing the "connected community of the future." Furthermore, the project will provide an enhanced analysis of the state and community’s broadband landscape and facilitate access to resources, assets, and tools needed to augment rural broadband infrastructure.

Deloitte’s Role
Deloitte’s Government and Public Services practice will be conducting a 12-week pro bono project to assess the opportunities for Troy as it relates to rural broadband access. Deloitte will act as a convener, bringing together a diverse set of community and state stakeholders, private industry providers, and Deloitte professionals to develop innovative strategies and solutions to address broadband challenges.

As part of the project, the team will outline the challenges and opportunities in key industries that could be augmented by broadband (e.g., precision agriculture) by interviewing stakeholders in the community and county, and facilitating a workshop with community and state-level leadership. At the end of the project, Deloitte will present an economic development strategy, stakeholder map, and connectivity deployment toolkit for the community of Troy.

LibbyMt.com > News > January 2019 > Lt. Governor Cooney in Troy Jan. 30 to discuss Pilot Broadband Project
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