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LibbyMt.com > News > April 2018 > Birds of Prey Day at Libby Dam April 28

Birds of Prey Day at Libby Dam April 28
April 24, 2018

LIBBY – Libby Dam will host the 7th annual Birds of Prey event on Saturday, April 28, 2018. The event runs from 10AM to 1:30PM.

New this year, visitors will learn about Beauty the bald eagle, whose story has been told in an award-winning science book for children. Beauty was nursed back to health by licensed wildlife rehabilitator Janie Veltkamp of Birds of Prey Northwest. Beauty was found in Alaska with half her real beak missing. Veltkamp worked with an engineer and a dentist to create a 3-D printed prosthetic beak for Beauty. After being fitted with the prosthetic, Beauty is now able to feed and drink by herself, and her own beak is slowly regenerating. Janie Veltkamp’s award-winning book about the story is entitled "Beauty and the Beak."

During the day, visitors will be able to:
• See the live hawks, owls and eagles and talk with wildlife rehabilitators.
• View digitally printed prosthetic beaks created by a dentist and an engineer for wildlife.
• Visit with author Janie Veltkamp and see her award-winning book "Beauty and the Beak"
• Birds on perches may be viewed anytime between 10am and 1:30pm.
• Short talks will be given about specific birds at 30 minute intervals.

There will be other presentations inside and outside of the visitor center between 10:00AM and 2:00PM.

This family-friendly event has expanded to include informational booths and activities:
• Bear Aware! Bear safety with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.
• Information on boating safety and invasive species boat inspections.
• Lincoln County Conservation District with information on Fire-wise best practices for landowners.

Visitors are invited to bring a picnic and binoculars and stay the day while watching for eagles, osprey and other wildlife above and around the dam.

There is no charge for this event and no reservations are necessary. Libby Dam Visitor Center is located at 260 Souse Gulch Road.

For more information, contact the Libby Dam Visitor Center (406) 293-5577.
Find Libby Dam on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/LibbyDamMT

LibbyMt.com > News > April 2018 > Birds of Prey Day at Libby Dam April 28
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