Muzzle Loading & Primitive Skills for Women – June 4 & 5
In Thompson Falls
by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
April 27, 2016
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program is sponsoring a Muzzle Loading and Primitive Skills weekend workshop near Thompson Falls on June 4 & 5. Participants will experience an 1800’s style mountain man camp and learn to shoot a muzzle loader, throw tomahawks, start a fire with flint and steel and learn about Dutch oven cooking.
The registration fee of $85 includes 2 nights camping and some meals. A limited number of spaces are available to sleep in a teepee, lean-to or wall tent for an additional $15.
The workshop will be held 8 miles west of Thompson Falls. To register or for more information contact BOW event coordinator Ginger Ward at 406-827-4597. The Registration forms are available on the FWP website at ; click "Becoming an Outdoors Woman", under the Education tab. The registration deadline is May 28th.