Montanore Project RODs available
by Kootenai National Forest
February 21, 2016
In December 2015, the Kootenai National Forest (KNF) and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued a Joint Final Environmental Impact Statement (Joint Final EIS) for the Montanore Project, a proposed copper and silver underground mine located about 18 miles south of Libby near the Cabinet Mountains of northwestern Montana.
The KNF identified Mine Alternative 3 and Transmission Line Alternative D-R as its preferred alternatives in the Joint Final EIS. The KNF has set forth its final decision and rationale in its Record of Decision (ROD). The KNF ROD is available in two formats: 1) it can be downloaded as a PDF from the Forest Service’s web page ( or 2) it can be requested in a CD format from the KNF Project Coordinator, Lynn Hagarty, KNF, 31374 US 2, Libby, MT 59923-3022, 406-293-6211. Notice of the decision will be published in The Missoulian (Missoula, Montana), the paper of record for the KNF.
DEQ identified Mine Alternative 3 and Transmission Line Alternative D-R as its preferred alternatives in the Joint Final EIS. DEQ has set forth its final decision and rationale in its ROD. The DEQ ROD can be downloaded as a PDF from DEQ’s web page ( Notice of DEQ’s mine, transmission line, and air quality decisions will be posted on DEQ’s website and included in the notice of decision in The Missoulian.
For more information, contact the KNF Project Coordinator, Lynn Hagarty (contact info above) or the DEQ Project Coordinator, Craig Jones, DEQ, 1520 East Sixth Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-0901, 406-444-0514.