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LibbyMt.com > News > March 2015 > Kootenai River watershed stream improvement meetings in March

Kootenai River watershed stream improvement meetings in March
In Eureka, Troy and Libby
March 15, 2015

The Kootenai River Network is holding community meetings in Lincoln County in March to find out priorities and stream improvement projects for watershed restoration in the Montana section of Kootenai watershed. Meetings will be in Eureka, Troy and in Libby.

The purpose of the community meetings is to develop a locally-based approach to stream improvement for the Montana section of the Kootenai watershed. Participants will have an opportunity to share concerns and ideas, to identify voluntary projects to restore streams, and to learn about issues identified in local streams. The information and ideas gathered at these meetings will be used to develop a community-based watershed restoration plan and direct funding for projects.

Community meetings will be held at the following times and locations:
Monday, March 23, Eureka: At the Lincoln Electric Cooperative in Eureka from 6 to 7:30PM
Wednesday, March 25, Troy: At the Kootenai Senior Center in Troy from 6 to 7:30PM
Thursday, March 26, Libby: At the First National Bank in Libby from 6 to 7:30PM

These meetings are free and open to all who are interested. The meetings are likely to be of particular interest to landowners with stream frontage, those with businesses connected to streams or that rely on water, people interested in fish or wildlife, and those who recreate in or near streams.

The Kootenai River Network (KRN) is hosting these meetings. The Kootenai River Network is a cooperative, non-profit organization founded in 1991 and dedicated to the protection, use, and restoration of water resources through private and public partnerships and education. KRN works in the entire Kootenai watershed, in Montana, Idaho and British Columbia. The watershed has many tributary rivers and streams including the Yaak River, Lake Creek, Fisher River, Libby Creek, Grave Creek, Therriault Creek, and the Tobacco River.

Contact the Kootenai River Network for further information at 406-551-0432 or at kootenaiwrp@gmail.com. More information is available at www.kootenairivernetwork.org.

LibbyMt.com > News > March 2015 > Kootenai River watershed stream improvement meetings in March
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