Polar Plungers
From left: Rick Klin (Polar
Bear Rick), Steve Sonju, and
Matthew White.
Polar Bear New Year Plunge
Welcoming 2015 Polar Bear Style
January 6, 2015
The Libby Polar Bear Club celebrated 2015 with its New Year plunge Sunday afternoon in the Kootenai River at Riverfront Park. The water temperature was 39 degrees with an air temperature of 28 degrees under a gray sky. Three active club members took to the water: Rick Klin, Steve Sonju and Matthew White. A fourth intrepid soul who wished to remain unidentified also took the plunge a little later. A handful of spectators watched as Polar Bear Rick provided information and encouragement.
Anyone wishing to try an icy swim of their own can find Polar Bear Rick at the Libby Creek bridge on Farm to Market Road at 2:00 p.m. Sunday afternoons through the winter.
Photos by Maggie Craig, LibbyMT.com