STOKR 2014
by Maggie Craig
May 12, 2014
Libby played host over the weekend to the 20th year of STOKR, the Scenic Tour of the Kootenai River bicycle ride that benefits Kootenai Valley Partners Habitat for Humanity. Ten Habitat houses have been built in the Libby/Troy area to date due to STOKR’s success.
Because the Kootenai Valley is an extraordinarily beautiful place, and because the organizational skills of Susie Rice and the generous donations of time and talents of countless volunteers make this bike ride such a success, STOKR is an event that riders hope to return to year after year.
Because of STOKR’s popularity, a lottery system was instituted in 2008, limiting the number of riders to 400 (450 this year). This limit is based on Libby’s ability to house the riders for the weekend and the ability of the volunteers to support the enormous effort that goes into the weekend, which includes cooking, baking, manning food and rest stops and driving support vehicles for assistance. According to many riders, Libby’s cheerful volunteerism is part of the charm of the ride.
The weather report, however, was less than inviting, and a reportedly 90 registered riders did not attend. While it rained through the night Friday, by ride time Saturday morning it was cloudy and wet, but not actively raining. Sprinkles at the Yaak food stop were not too troublesome, and by Saturday afternoon, most riders were pleased with the weather conditions. Blue sky, some sunshine and cooler temperatures made the ride comfortable.
Saturday night also saw some rain (and fresh snow at only slightly higher elevations), but again, Sunday’s riders started out on wet pavement but enjoyed gradual clearing throughout the day. Many of Sunday’s riders had a glimpse of the beautiful Cabinet Mountains along the Kootenai River through cloudy, but clearing, skies.
Overall it was another successful STOKR, an event appreciated by those who attend and by those who benefit from this Habitat for Humanity fundraiser.
Photos by Maggie Craig,

Related Links
STOKR - More information