Spring Black Bear hunting season opens April 15th
by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
March 14, 2014
Montana's spring black bear hunting season opens Tuesday, April 15.
Hunters may purchase black bear hunting licenses online at fwp.mt.gov, at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks license providers, or print a paper license application and mail it in to FWP. Licenses issued through the mail may take two weeks to process.
Spring black bear hunters should purchase their license by April 14. Black bear hunting licenses purchased after April 14 may not be used until 24 hours after purchase. Black bear hunters are limited to one black bear license a year.
All black bear hunters are reminded that they must successfully complete Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' bear identification test before purchasing a black bear license.
Take the bear identification test online at fwp.mt.gov; click the Hunter Education icon then click "Bear Identification Program". Complete the training and test, and then present the printed on-line certificate to purchase a license. The training and test can also be obtained on paper, with a mail-in answer card, at FWP regional offices.
The 2014 black bear regulations are available online on the FWP website, at FWP region offices and license providers.