New campground proposed at Libby Dam
by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
September 18, 2013
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Corps proposes to construct a full-service campground near the existing Souse Gulch Day Use Area in the vicinity of Libby Dam and Lake Koocanusa. This campground would contain approximately 30 campsites, electrical hookups, showers, and a sewer dump station. The campground would be constructed in five phases over the course of five years. Details and maps are described in the public notice document.
Written comments and/or a request for a paper copy of the notice may be submitted to the Corps environmental coordinator, Rhonda Lucas, at the Seattle District Office, (206) 764-3512, email:
Comments must be received by 20 Sept 2013.
Subject: Public Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a Department of the Army action (CENWS EN-ER-13-09) to construct a new campground at Libby Dam, Lincoln County, Montana.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District (Corps) has posted the above referenced NOP at the following website: under "2013 - Final NOP Souse Gulch Recreation Area Campground". The draft EA is forthcoming and will be posted at the same public web site.