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LibbyMt.com > News > October 2012 > Asa Wood School discussions continue

Asa Wood School discussions continue
by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio
October 31, 2012

The latest political football is the Asa Wood School building and property. Suffering burgeoning shortfalls, the schools want out from under the maintenance, but want control the property.

In a meeting Monday with the City Council Parks Committee, the County Parks Board, and several volunteer community groups such as the food pantry and the Libby Community Thrift Store, discussion centered on possibly moving the State office tenants now in McGrade to Asa Wood, bringing them into town; possibly moving the County offices out of the current annex on Mineral Avenue into the Library and moving the Library into Asa Wood, and relocating volunteer groups like the Community Thrift Store and Food Pantry. Moving the Montana Athletic Club to Asa Wood was suggested. As was an art incubator for those teaching art and music out of their homes. That game of shuffle board only leaves other buildings empty, not really solving anything.

Superintendent Kirby Maki told the group the schools want the Asa Wood building to be an active part of the Libby community, not just a boarded up building with broken windows and graffiti on the walls.

School board member Lori Benson indicated she does not feel the schools should be in the property management business. People are telling her, she said, the schools hold too much property and buildings.

The District, once operating seven buildings, now operates only two as schools. The schools want to keep the green space at Asa Wood and do not want to see the building and property commercialized into a retail store or center. Jim Germany, representing the County Parks Board, is suggesting the site for the long-time hot potato swimming pool location, which Germany said is the only real reason for the Park Board's existence; to promote and build a pool.

Lori Stevens, of the Kootenai Valley Nutcracker, is hosting her own public meeting Tuesday, October 30th at 6 pm on the fate of the Asa Wood Gym. The meeting will be held at Asa Wood Gym. Stephens was not at the Monday meeting.

By Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio, e-mail: klcb@frontiernet.net.

LibbyMt.com > News > October 2012 > Asa Wood School discussions continue
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