2nd Libby Amphibole Symposium in Libby Oct. 12 & 13
by Dusti L. Thompson, CARD Outreach Specialist
October 4, 2012
CARD and the Libby Area Community Advisory Group (CAG) will host the 2nd Libby Amphibole Symposium. The symposium, first held in 2011, proved to be a valuable addition to promote understanding of Libby Amphibole Asbestos research both for the community and for scientists and other professionals in attendance. While the Rally is informal and carnival-like, the symposium offers in-depth scientific presentations by experts participating from institutions such as Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Kent State University, University of Cincinnati, Idaho State University and University of Montana.
The symposium will again be held at the Libby Memorial Center. It is scheduled for Friday, October 12 and the morning of Saturday, October 13, following CARD’s 3rd Annual Research Rally. Combined, these events bring an opportunity for scientists, researchers and professionals working with Libby amphibole, to interact with community members of all ages. Support from the Libby community has allowed CARD to achieve excellence in community based asbestos health research that is nationally recognized by these and other research partners. Presentation topics will likely include autoimmune antibodies, disease progression, Libby amphibole mineralogy, and psychosocial topics. The entire symposium will be open to the public for observation, and a question and answer session will be scheduled to give observers the opportunity to interact with presenters.
CARD would like to thank all of those who support and participate in research projects at the Center for Asbestos Related Disease. We hope that you will attend the symposium and rally to learn about the progress we are making toward better understanding of asbestos-related disease mechanisms, treatment and prevention. ______________________________________
For more information contact: Dusti L. Thompson CARD Outreach Specialist 214 E 3rd Street Libby, MT 406-293-9274 ext 144