Libby Dam to decrease flows – July 7, 2012 update
In response to decreased flows in Kootenai Basin
by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Libby Dam
July 7, 2012
Current Koocanusa Reservoir elevation: 2459.6 feet (normal full is 2459 feet) Current Koocanusa Reservoir inflow: ~45 kcfs Current Libby Dam outflow: 48 kcfs
We are continuing to see recessions across most of the Kootenai Basin and in response to that Libby Dam will start decreasing flows throughout the day (Saturday, July 7). Starting at 1100 hours MST the outflow will be decreased by 1 kcfs to 47 kcfs and followed by a 1 kcfs drops every 8 hours. The final decrease currently scheduled will be at 0300 MST tomorrow morning. We may make more decreases throughout the day tomorrow if inflows to Libby Dam continue to drop. The Kootenai River at Bonners Ferry peaked Wednesday morning at 1766.6 feet and is at 1765.8 feet this afternoon. Kootenay Lake at Queen's Bay peaked on Tuesday night (July 3) at 1753.8 feet and is at 1753.4 feet this afternoon. There is unseasonably warm weather in the forecast for this weekend, potentially breaking daily temperature records. Warming temperatures have caused the flow in the Kootenai River upstream of Libby Dam to stop receding today, and we will be monitoring the river flow upstream of the dam this evening and through the weekend for increased flows due to snowmelt.
The Northwest River Forecast Center creates daily forecasts for short term projections throughout the Kootenai and Columbia River Basins. These forecasts can be updated multiple times in a day and can be updated at anytime as conditions change. Links to those projections can be found below:
Short term forecasts for Libby Dam elevations and inflows
Short-term forecasts for Libby Dam releases
Short term forecasts for Bonners Ferry
Short term forecasts for Kootenay Lake at Queens Bay\
Please note the National Weather Service's disclaimer on forecasts beyond 3 days.
All forecasts and model projections are based on the best information at the current time, as the weather changes so will the short- and long-term predictions.

Related Links
Libby Dam - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Libby Dam