Libby Dam flow update – June 12, 2012
by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Libby Dam
June 12, 2012
Current Koocanusa Reservoir elevation: 2436.8 feet (full is 2459 feet) Current Koocanusa Reservoir inflow: ~48 kcfs Current Libby Dam outflow: 33 kcfs
Libby Dam outflow increased from 32 kcfs (PHC + 6 kcfs spill) to 33 kcfs (PHC + 7 kcfs spill) at 0400 MDT this morning, 12 June. This outflow increase is part of a reservoir operation designed to augment spring and summer flows for Kootenai River white sturgeon. While the intent is to keep the river high this week, we will continue to adjust Libby Dam outflow to keep the Kootenai River below flood stage at Bonners Ferry and to maintain acceptable total dissolved gas (nitrogen) saturation levels in the river below Libby Dam.
The April-August inflow volume forecast is 7,240 KAF, which is 123 percent of the 1975-2009 average. Refill at Libby dam began 14 April.
The Northwest River Forecast Center creates daily forecasts for short term projections throughout the Kootenai and Columbia River Basins. These forecasts can be updated multiple times in a day and can be updated at anytime as conditions change. Links to those projections can be found below:
Short term forecasts for Libby Dam elevations and inflows can be found here:
Short term forecasts for Libby Dam releases can be found here:
Short term forecasts for Bonners Ferry can be found here:
Please note the National Weather Service's disclaimer on forecasts beyond 3 days.
All forecasts and model projections are based on the best information at the current time, as the weather changes so will the short- and long-term predictions.

Related Links
Libby Dam - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers