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LibbyMt.com > News > June 2012 > Information sessions on Columbia River Treaty Review in Montana June 14 and June 15

Information sessions on Columbia River Treaty Review in Montana June 14 and June 15
by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
June 10, 2012

You are cordially invited to attend upcoming informational meetings regarding the Columbia River Treaty. These "Treaty 101" sessions are designed to provide you with very basic information about the Treaty, as well as answer your questions and listen to any issues you believe are most important to address in the Treaty Review process.

Montana is represented in Treaty Review by Brian Lipscomb, representing the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, and Bruce Measure, representing Gov. Brian Schweitzer. Both will attend these sessions, along with other individuals from Montana who are involved in the process.

Sessions are scheduled for:

June 14, 4 p.m. at the Red Lion Inn, Kalispell
20 North Main Street
Kalispell, MT

June 15, 8:30 a.m. in the Ponderosa Room, Libby City Hall
952 E. Spruce Street
Libby, MT

The information presented at each session will be the same, and each will last about 90 minutes. Please RSVP to Margaret Norton-Arnold (margaret@na-company.com), or to treatyreview@bpa.gov if you can join us on either of these days, so we know how many to expect and can plan accordingly.

Thank you for your interest in the Columbia River Treaty. We look forward to meeting you on June 14 or 15!

Regional stakeholder listening sessions on the results of "Iteration One," the first stage of the Treaty Review analytical analysis, will be held on the following dates:

June 27, 2012
Doubletree Hotel, Lloyd Center
Portland, Oregon

July 9, 2012
Northern Quest Resort
Spokane, Washington

July 13, 2012
Owyhee Plaza Hotel
Boise, Idaho

July 18, 2012
Red Lion Inn, Kalispell
Kalispell, Montana

LibbyMt.com > News > June 2012 > Information sessions on Columbia River Treaty Review in Montana June 14 and June 15
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