2011 photo courtesy Le Tour de Koocanusa.

Water Stop
2011 photo courtesy Le Tour de Koocanusa.
2012 Le Tour de Koocanusa August 11
83-mile bike ride around Lake Koocanusa benefits David Thompson Search & Rescue
by LibbyMT.com
May 24, 2012
Le Tour de Koocanusa, an 83-mile bike ride around Lake Koocanusa that benefits David Thompson Search & Rescue, will be held on Saturday, August 11, 2012. The ride course tours around the breathtaking shoreline of Lake Koocanusa. The ride includes support vehicles, food/beverage stops, T-shirt, post-ride BBQ, live music and prizes. For more information, contact Dejon Raines, Le Tour de Koocanusa organizer, (406) 291-3635, dejonraines@hotmail.com, or go online to: www.letourdekoocanusa.com.
Start Location: The David Thompson Bridge located in front of the Libby Dam in Libby, Montana
Date: August 11, 2012
Start Time: 8:00AM Mountain Time
Bike Course: The 83-mile bike ride starts at the David Thompson Bridge located directly in front of the Libby Dam in Libby, Montana. Following beautiful Lake Koocanusa, the bike ride goes north on paved Forest Service Road 228 in the Kootenai National Forest. The ride crosses over Lake Koocanusa on the Rexford Bridge. The course then continues to follow Lake Koocanusa by heading south on Hwy 37. Course finishes on the David Thompson Bridge directly in front of the Libby Dam.
The moderate course has a fair amount of undulation. It has a start elevation of 2,146 feet, a max elevation of 3,140 feet, and an approximate total gain of 5,469 feet. There is one major up-hill on the course. This hill begins 1.3 miles after the start of the ride. The total length of the hill is about 1.5 miles and it climbs a total of 500 feet. There are 3 food/beverage stops, 2 water/electrolyte stops, and an awesome post-ride Barbeque at the Dam with live music and raffles.
The bike ride is fully supported with support vehicles on the tour.
Cost: $60 (Includes Bike Ride; 3 Food/beverage stops; 2 water/electolyte stops; t-shirt; and an after-ride catered barbeque with live music, prizes & raffles).
Registration: Bicyclists must register by August 1, 2012. Click here for a printable registration form (PDF).
About David Thompson Search & Rescue - Libby, Montana David Thompson Search and Rescue was organized in 1969 after a search for two young girls in the Ross Creek Cedars area of Lincoln County. Those who took part in the search recognized the need for an organized group that could be called up at any time to conduct searches. This group was the start of what is now David Thompson Search and Rescue. The organization has grown in members, equipment and skills. The organization has been called upon from its start up in 1969 until now to respond to a variety of rescues and situations. It continues to grow as needs and funding are identified. David Thompson Search and Rescue's mission is to: (1) Provide the response for overdue, lost, injured, or stranded people from an emergency incident in diverse environments. (2) To use available personnel and equipment in a safe manner to locate and retrieve persons in distress, and provide for their initial medical or other needs and deliver them to a place of safety. (3) Trainings and missions are directed towards the service of others and committed to the ideal that David Thomson Search and Rescue exists "so that others may live."
Click here for the David Thomson Search and Rescue website: www.dtsar.org