Libby Golf Course disputes City’s sewer system charges
by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio
April 11, 2012
The Cabinet View Golf Course has filed documents in 19th District Court against the City of Libby.
This is the opening salvo in what could become a heated case. The City is attempting to collect between $500,000 and $750,000 it says the Golf Course owes for the extension of the City sewer system trunk line to the proposed Golf Course owned residential subdivision adjacent to the golf course.
The Golf Course disputes the charge and has adamantly said it will not pay the charges. Course spokesman Dann Rohr has said they are prepared to go to court with the City over it.
This filing is the opening shot.
Both Rohr and City Mayor Doug Roll had said each were willing to sit down and talk about it prior to going to court. _____________________________
By Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio, e-mail: