Asa Wood school future still uncertain
by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio
March 12, 2012
The Libby School District Board has another decision on its plate.
The Asa Wood building is sitting vacant due to downsizing, and the west wing and library addition exterior walls contain vermiculite in the cores of the concrete blocks for insulation.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was to demolish the west wing and library in a remediation of the vermiculite problem.
However, the EPA's engineering evaluation is the vermiculite can be safely removed from the Asa Wood building without impacting the structural integrity of the building. The EPA will limit its activities to removal of the vermiculite only and will not include the demolition of the structure, leaving the building structurally sound and useable.
The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants standards require asbestos containing materials, in this case vermiculite, be removed from a building prior to any demolition.
If the school district decides to demolish the cleaned and useable building, it will be on the tax payer's nickel.
Interestingly, there are numerous buildings of this type of construction in the area. The EPA has taken the position in those instances the vermiculite is encased, contained and safe, leaving it in place. It is uncertain what the different in the approach to the Asa Wood School is that requires removal of the vermiculite. ______________________________
By Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio, e-mail: