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Lincoln County Library news
For Libby, Troy and Eureka public libraries
by Lincoln County Libraries
January 5, 2012

The Lincoln County Libraries will continue their Civil War series in January at the Libby, Troy and Eureka libraries. They will also have presentation on the libraries’ online Auto Repair Manual Database in all three libraries, as well as the usual assortment of children’s programs and movie screenings. For a complete list of dates and times, please visit the libraries’ online calendar, www.lincolncountylibraries.com/calendar.php, call your local library in Troy (406-295-4040), Eureka (406-296-2613), or Libby (406-293-2778).

Libby Branch Library
The Lincoln County Public Library in Libby will be presenting a full calendar of programs during the month of January. All events are free and open to the public.

The Libby Friends of the Library hold a monthly book sale on the first Friday of each month from 10 until 5. This month, the book sale will be on Friday, January 6.

The Libby Friends of the Library will hold a meeting on Tuesday, January 31 at 6 pm. All are welcome.

The Lincoln County Libraries in Troy, Eureka and Libby will be closed on Saturday, January 14 for Martin Luther King Day.

The libraries in Libby, Troy, and Eureka will be closed to the public on Friday, January 27 for a staff in-service day. Periodic in-service days allow staff to maintain the quality of service provided despite budget cuts.

The Libby Library will host after school programs every Wednesday at 4 pm. Kids and families can come to the library for a variety of programs ranging from arts and crafts to food preparation to cultural exploration.

The Civil War film series continues on Tuesday, January 10 at 5 pm with a screening of the classic comedy film Advance to the Rear (1964, 100 minutes), starring Glenn Ford and Stella Stevens. When a Union army outfit of misfits and rejects is sent to the Western territory, Southern spies try to figure out what they're up to.

The libraries host one technology-related program per month in each library. In January, librarians will demonstrate the Auto Repair Reference Center, the libraries’ online automobile repair manual database. The program will be held at the Libby Library on Tuesday, January 17 at 6 pm, at the Eureka Library on Saturday, January 7 at 2 pm, and at the Troy Library on Friday, January 13 at 5:30 pm.

The third discussion session of the Making Sense of the American Civil War series will be held on Tuesday, January 24 at 6 pm at the Libby Library. The theme for the third discussion is "Making Sense of Shiloh."

Attendees are encouraged to read selections which explore the Battle of Shiloh, including works from Ulysses Grant, Ambrose Bierce, and Shelby Foote. Copies of the book and other materials are available for check-out at the Libby Library.

Let’s Talk About It: Making Sense of the American Civil War, a reading and discussion series, has been made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.

For more information on the program series, please call 406-293-2778.
Troy Branch Library
The Troy Branch of the Lincoln County Public Libraries will be presenting a full calendar of programs during the month of January. All events are free and open to the public.

The Troy Library will be closed on Saturday, January 14 for Martin Luther King Day. The Troy Library will be closed to the public on Friday, January 27 for a staff in-service day. Periodic in-service days allow staff to maintain the quality of service provided despite budget cuts.

On Friday, January 13 at 5:30 pm, librarians will demonstrate the Auto Repair Reference Center, the Lincoln County Libraries’ online automobile repair manual database. Laptops will be provided for hands-on practice.

In January, the Troy Writers’ Group will have two meetings, the first on Wednesday, January 4 at 5:30 pm and the second on Wednesday, January 18 at 5:30 pm. Both meetings will be held at the Troy Library. The group welcomes writers of all ages, but please be advised that the group will not censor anything. New members are welcome and should contact Stacy at the Troy Library, 295-4040, for more information and to pick up copies of the stories being discussed.

The Troy Friends of the Library will meet on Wednesday, January 11 at 1 pm. All are welcome.

The Troy Library’s Book Discussion Group will meet on Thursday, January 19 at 5 pm. This month, the group will discuss the nonfiction work The Tiger by John Vaillant. Vaillant tells the story of how a Siberian tiger in Primorye Territory in Russia's Far East attacked and killed a man in 1997 and a team of trackers was dispatched to hunt it down before it could hurt more people. He describes the region, its history and politics, and its tigers and their behavior; the work of the Inspection Tiger unit; the investigation into the murder; and how the tiger was finally found and killed.

Books are available at the library for 14-day checkout.

On Friday, Friday, January 20 at 6 pm, the Troy Library will be show the 2011animated film The Smurfs (Rated PG, 103 minutes). When wicked sorcerer Gargamel tries to capture them to use as talismans for his own evil magic, the peaceful blue Smurfs flee their woodland home, pass through a magic portal and find themselves stranded in New York City.

The Troy Friends of the Library will host a speaker at the Troy Library on Thursday, January 26 at 6 pm. In honor of Capricorns everywhere, Tonya Chilton-Radandt of Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks will be speaking about mountain goats, their habitat and diet, and their presence in Lincoln County.

The last Friday of every month is Amnesty Day at the Lincoln County Libraries. Because the library is closed on that day, this month Amnesty Day is Thursday, January 26. Any materials less than 90 days overdue which are returned in good condition to any of the three libraries on that day will have all penalties waived. Overdue interlibrary loan materials are not included.

For more upcoming library events, please view the calendar on the Lincoln County Public Libraries website, www.lincolncountylibraries.com/calendar/Announcements.html, or call the Troy Library, 406-295-4040.

LibbyMt.com > News > January 2012 > Lincoln County Library news
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