Sam Rose arrested on check forgery charges
by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio
December 4, 2011
Sam Haley Rose, chief opponent of the proposed Montanore Mine, was arrested Nov. 30 in Libby on three arrest warrants for felony check forgery in Montana, New Hampshire and Vermont. Federal marshals have been involved in the case. Rose has three aliases: Harry Paul Mottsman, Harold P. Mattsman, and Dave Griffin. Rose remains jailed in Kalispell with $20,000 bail.
Rose and his wife are the co-founders of AlternativeOne, which claims to be the voice of responsible Northwest Montanans who have a creative vision for the future and advocate accountable leadership in government, sustainable economic growth and preservation of the region's natural resources for the benefit of future generations. _____________________________________________
Story by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio, e-mail: