Holiday Bazaar Raffle Winner
Chris Dudley, winner of 1st Prize in the Heritage Museum’s Holiday Bazaar raffle. Photo courtesy Heritage Museum.
Heritage Museum Holiday Bazaar a big success
by Heritage Museum
November 10, 2011
The Holiday Bazaar at the Heritage Museum was a success. 577 people signed in at the door.
Raffle winners: Chris Dudley, winner of 1st Prize in the Heritage Museum’s Holiday Bazaar raffle. Winner of 2nd Prize, gift certificates to The Venture, MK Steakhouse and Henry’s, was April Reatz. 3rd Prizes, made by all the crafters at the bazaar, were awarded to Patti Keeler, Deena Farris, Kathleen Sheffield, Suzanne Resch, Marvel Thompson, Patty Rambo, Dave Harmon, Rita Lampton, Carol McAllister, Linda Morkert, Bud Erlandson, Donna Hall, Michelle Freese, Connie Malyevac, Connie Thomson, Liz Benefield, Tory Taylor, Kim Larson, Tony Tacheira, Effie Thompson, April Reatz, B.J. Chaffin, Gary Huntsberger, Herman Dolezal, and Georgina Woody.