Festival of Trees
Kendra and Aanika Benner look at the decorated trees. Photo courtesy St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Calling all Christmas trees!
by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital
November 9, 2011
Business owners, local merchants, organizations, individuals, and families are encouraged to promote their cause this holiday season by displaying a decorated tree at the St. John’s Lutheran Hospital Foundation’s 17th Annual Festival of Trees at the Libby Memorial Center on Friday, December 9, and Saturday, December 10. There is no cost to display a tree.
"This two-day event has become a holiday tradition in our community, and we hope more folks will join in the fun. Most of the community walks through the doors of the Memorial Center at some point over that weekend, so it’s a great way to advertise and bring awareness to your organization," commented KC Hoyer, Foundation Director at St. John’s. "But get your entry form in early because the number of trees that can be displayed is limited."
The Festival’s Community night, on Friday, December 9th is sure to be fun for the whole family. "We are once again partnering with the Kootenai Karacter’s to produce a magical Santa Wonderland and are thrilled that this has become a community tradition," added Hoyer. "It’s great that we can provide a safe and warm environment for parents to bring their children to have their holiday wishes granted in a magical, memorable way. As always, we have arranged for a professional photographer to be on hand to capture the memories, but feel free to bring your own cameras as well."
The Community Night will also include the SJLH Auxiliary’s Annual Bake Sale. "This year we have enlisted the help of Kiwanis, Don’s Depot, Lincoln County Libraries, St. John’s own SOS Committee, and local youth groups to help with the children’s activities including the ever popular electric train display, ornament making, cookie decorating, story time, and face painting. We are expecting record crowds and are thrilled that these folks are willing to help out," added Hoyer.
If you would like to enter a tree for the Festival of Trees or get more information on the event, call KC Hoyer at 406-283-7140.