Time to take off studded tires
Must be off by May 31st
by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio
May 23, 2011
All studded snow tires must be removed from all vehicles using the public roadway system by Tuesday, May 31st in accordance with Montana Law.
Studded snow tires are not permitted on any vehicle May 31st through October 1st so if you are one of the many people running around town with studded tires on, now would be a good time to make an appointment to have them removed. This is a primary stop violation which means a motorist could be stopped and issued an $85.00 ticket for that violation alone. _______________________________________________
Story by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio, www.todaysbestcountryonline.com, e-mail: klcb@frontiernet.net.