Pictured: Front Row, (l-r): Kate Stephens with Turner Mountain Ski Patrol
Volunteers Lynn Hagarty, Mike Giesey, Steve Lefever, and Kent Johnson.
Row 2, (l-r): Matt Larsen, Sue Graham, Laura Sedler, Cindy Peek, Cindy
Eggleston, and Diana Johnson. Row 3, (l-r): Janeen Lewis, Tony Franke, Susan
Horelick, and Gayl Smith. Photo courtesy of St. John's Lutheran Hospital.
SJLH Jeans Day benefits Turner Mtn. Ski Patrol
by St. John's Lutheran Hospital
January 30, 2011
On Friday, January 28, 2011, the employees of St. John’s Lutheran Hospital once again showed their commitment to community by donating money in return for a jeans day. The money raised during this jeans day will benefit the Turner Mountain Ski Patrol. According to KC Hoyer, Marketing Manager at St. John’s, the St. John’s employees have been holding these Jeans Day fundraisers for years and have raised just under $18,000 for community, health-related, not-for-profit organizations.
"We used to do the fundraisers quarterly, but we saw a greater need, and were given permission to hold them monthly to help even more organizations," stated Hoyer. "The employees have been very generous, and it really helps that the hospital now matches what we raise. Our contributions are our way of thanking the organizations and their volunteers for the commitments they make; commitments that we all benefit from. The Turner Mountain Ski Patrol is an excellent example of this type of commitment."
The Turner Mountain Ski Patrol is, and has always been, an all volunteer organization. "From the beginning, the ski patrol has been composed of locals committed to making Turner Mountain the legend that it remains today. The 30 plus person ski patrol is overseen by a volunteer board of directors, operating under Turner’s Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation," stated Mike Giesey, Ski Patrol representative. "Every year we recruit and train a team for the coming season as well as do all our own fundraising. We sponsor a junior ski patrol program where we mentor a few lucky 16 – 18 year old high school students in the duties of maintaining skier safety, providing first aid, and lift evacuation. Success has been achieved through dedicated volunteers," added Geisey.
Employees at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital donated $352 to the Turner Mountain Ski Patrol on the 28th of January, and the hospital stepped up to the plate by matching all employee donations, giving the ski patrol a total of $704. "Support from the community such as St. John’s Lutheran Hospital Jeans Day is key to the program’s success, and will allow us to maintain our inventory of first aid supplies and rescue equipment," stated Geisey. "This year marks the 50th anniversary of Turner Mountain and the Turner Mountain Ski Patrol. This mountain and the Turner Mountain Ski Patrol is a true success story, showcasing what a small community can do when it pulls together with a common dream."
Related link: St. John's Lutheran Hospital