Paint It Pink free Mamography program gearing up for 2011
by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital
January 20, 2011
The fundraising efforts lead by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital and Glacier Bank will once again pay off for the uninsured women of South Lincoln County. "With the fundraising dollars, and the discounts provided by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital and North West Imaging, we will be able to provide 25 free mammograms in 2011," stated KC Hoyer, Marketing Manager at St. John’s. "The Paint It Pink free mammography program has been such a blessing to so many women. Lives have been saved because of the generosity of our neighbors, and the tenacity of two organizations that just want to do right by their communities."
The program is easy to qualify for. First and foremost, you must be referred by your healthcare provider. Healthcare providers in Libby and in Troy are aware of this program and can help you determine if you quality. The qualifications are simple; if you are a resident of South Lincoln County (zip codes 59923 or 59935), are uninsured, and are under the age of 50, the Paint It Pink Program can help you. Women over the age of 50 are encouraged to apply to the Montana Cancer Screening Program, formerly the Montana Breast and Cervical Health Program by calling Kristina Elkins at 406-751-8226. If you are over 50, and can show that you did not qualify for the Montana Cancer Screening Program, you will then be eligible for the Paint It Pink Program. Your providers can help you decide which program to use.
"We want to make sure that our communities have the resources they need for the early detection and treatment of breast cancer," stated KC Hoyer, Marketing Manager at St. John’s. "We may not be able to prevent this disease, but we can do our part to promote the early detection of it. Mammograms can be lifesavers when it comes to breast cancer. Making these tests available to women and men, who might put them off because they can’t afford them, is one giant step in breast health awareness for our communities."
For more information about the Paint It Pink Free Mammography Program, call KC Hoyer at 406-293-0106.