Teeanna Marie James
Teeanna Marie James, daughter of Stephanie Fairbrother and Steven James, was the first baby born in 2011 at St. John's Lutheran Hospital. She was born on January 1st.
New Year’s baby arrives right on schedule
Teeanna Marie James
by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital
January 4, 2011
LIBBY - On January 1, 2011, the staff and physicians at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital welcomed Teeanna Marie James, daughter of Stephanie Fairbrother and Steven James as the first baby born in 2011.
Teeanna made her entrance at 6:31 am, weighing in at 8 lbs., and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. Dr. Jana Hall of Northwest Community Health Center was the attending physician, and Nicole Cangelosi was the delivery room nurse. Dr. Greg Rice of Libby Clinic was Stephanie’s Obstetrician. Teeanna joins her big sister, Arrianna, who is age 1.
"We think that all of our births are exciting here at St. John’s, and we look forward to each one, but there is something very special about the first baby of each year, and the way the whole community awaits the arrival," commented Cathy Wolfe, Vice President of Nursing Services at St. John’s. "Teeanna is the fist New Year’s Baby that has been born on New Year’s Day at St. John’s in quite some time, and we are very excited that her parents entrusted us to her care."
The New Year’s baby is celebrated throughout the community. Along with St. John’s Hospital and Auxiliary members, who provided the new family with a Play Yard Play Pen, Activity Set, Prop & Play Matt & Rattle, a case of diapers, a Safety First Infant Car Seat & Base, a Beautiful Baby gift basket, and an afghan made especially for the New Year’s arrival --other area physicians, businesses, and individuals joined in the celebration.
Pamida generously donated a high chair, Glacier Bank and First Montana Bank provided savings bonds. Libby Clinic put together a diaper bag loaded with baby gifts, and the Northwest Community Health Center donated a Baby Bounce Seat, along with a Peak a View: baby in site while you drive and other infant accessories. 5-Star Salon, owned by Monika Riley, donated a pedicure gift certificate for the new mom, and Libby Closet, owned by Michelle Freese, donated a $25.00 store gift certificate.
Approximately 100 babies are delivered annually at St. John’s. "We pride ourselves in our Obstetric services," added Wolfe. "We offer our mom’s the best possible care including free pre-natal classes, state-of-the-art birthing equipment, trained and certified OB nurses, Jacuzzi Tub for relaxation, and newborn care instruction; all of the services new parents should expect for their delivery. We also offer the kind of care and compassion that sends our new families home confident in the care they received, and in their impending parenthood."
For more information about the Birthing Facilities at St. John’s or a tour, please call KC Hoyer at 406-293-0106 or visit the web site at www.sjlh.com.
Photo courtesy St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.