Tester bill aimed to repay medical specialists loan repayments
Tester bill aimed to repay medical specialists loan repayments
by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio
July 28, 2010
Good news could be coming for the Libby area medical community. Jon Tester told KLCB that on Monday, July 26, he would drop a bill into the Senate Health Committee that will allow the National Health Services Corps to pay medical specialists loan repayments when they sign up for a two-year term of service in communities like Libby. It has been difficult, to say the least, to attract and recruit medical specialists to Libby.
"Libby's situation is unlike anywhere else in the United States," Tester told us. "This should help", he said.
General practitioners have for some time been able to have loan repayment subsidized by the government when agreeing to move into underserved areas. Tester's bill will extend the program to specialists, such as those needed by the Center for Asbestos Disease. Doctors will be able to receive $50,000 toward their loans for two years of service, and can renew in two year increments until their medical loans are paid off, Tester told KLCB. The hope is that once they have made a two-year, four, or more year investment in the community they will choose to stay. _______________________________________________
Story by Duane Williams, KLCB-KTNY Radio, www.todaysbestcountryonline.com, e-mail: klcb@frontiernet.net