There is still several feet of snow in the high country of the Cabinet Mountains.
Lower Geiger Lake hike
Photos by Bob Hosea
May 9, 2010
Bob Hosea sent in these photos from his hike into Lower Geiger Lake in the Cabinet Mountains on Sunday, May 2nd.
"The lower half of the trail was like Springtime, but it's definitely still Winter on the upper half. From the trailhead to about half way to the lake, the trail was open and in great shape with just a few trees across the trail. After that, though the snow got pretty deep, the lake was still completely covered with ice and snow. I didn't see any people, although I did see the tracks from someone who came in behind me and followed my tracks in as far as the lake and stopped. The only wildlife I saw was one whitetail deer along the trail and one ermine along Lake Creek down by the bridge. There is also a lot of moose sign on the lower part of the trail."