McGillivray Campground to see future upgrades
by Kootenai National Forest
February 19, 2010
The Libby Ranger District is pleased to announce upcoming campsite and facility improvements for the popular McGillivray Campground situated along the west side of the Koocanusa Reservoir.
Among the many improvements planned, there are widened camp sites, newer tables and toilets, improved access and use for those with mobility issues, and boating, tent site and road upgrades. Retaining the natural character of the area while improving visitor safety is a main goal of the Forest Service. Plans are being finalized for the work to begin in late 2010.
District Ranger Malcolm Edwards noted that the improvements are long-needed due to the site originally being constructed in the early 1970’s. "We realized for a long time that the facility is aging and in need of better sites to meet future needs. I believe people will be pleased with the upgrades we are working on."
Construction is expected to begin after Labor Day through the next year. While the construction should not displace summer visitors, there may be some inconveniences when using the complex.
More information is available at the Libby Ranger District, 406 293 7773.