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LibbyMt.com > News > October 2009 > Conditions prompt fire officials into urging caution

Conditions prompt fire officials into urging caution
by Kootenai National Forest
October 1, 2009

Although the calendar says it is now open burning season in western Montana, warm and dry conditions have produced a late wildfire season and prompted local officials into issuing warnings about fire safety. Open burning season in Montana officially begins Oct. 1 and runs through Nov. 30. During most fall seasons, this area receives some periods of wet weather, but that has not happened this year. September has been one of the driest months on record. Most of Lincoln County has not had any significant precipitation since mid-August and daytime temperatures have been running 10 to 15 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year.

Typically fire managers and fire personnel are lighting fires this time of year, but several late season wildfires have been keeping crews busy. This past week alone, the Kootenai Interagency Dispatch Center has been managing several wildfires, including the 2400 acre Lawrence Mountain fire located 20 miles north of Libby Dam and west of the reservoir, the 47 acre South Wolf Point fire located east of Fairview guard station and the 15 acre Verdun fire located in the Cabinet Mountains. Elsewhere around western Montana, the 200 acre Baldy fire broke out near Lakeside on Saturday night on the Flathead National Forest. The Flathead National Forest also has a 500 acre fire in Ninko Creek 40 miles north of Columbia Falls.

"It would be best if folks could wait to burn until after we get some rain," Three Rivers Ranger District Fire Management Officer Linda Hubbell said. "People around here know it is very dry, a fire could escape control very quickly in conditions like this." Current fire danger is rated as "High" on the Kootenai National Forest.

Every year state, federal and volunteer fire suppression agencies respond to escaped debris fires. Statistics show that the two leading causes of debris fires are: individuals leaving their debris piles unattended, or not making sure that the piles are completely out. Most fire suppression agencies respond to debris fires, days or even weeks after individuals have ignited their debris.

The first thing you can do to help prevent your debris piles from escaping is plan ahead. Think about the materials you want to burn and where they are located. Before you light your burn check the weather forecast. Take a few moments to observe the current weather and determine which direction the wind is blowing. Be sure to have hand tools and water available and never take on a burning project alone. Notify your neighbors of your plans. An escaped fire can destroy much more than brush or wood debris, and if you are found negligent, you can be held responsible for damages and suppression costs resulting from an escaped fire. So please keep in mind that if your debris pile escapes, you will be held responsible for the cost of putting the fire out. If you plan on burning during October or November you are still required to call the Air Quality hotline. For current air quality restrictions call 1-800-225-6779 or check the Air Quality website at: www.smokemu.org . Click on Dispersion. Look under Burn Recommendations for Montana. Air Shed 1 is the air shed for Lincoln County.

If you live in the Libby area, the Forest Service authorizes and issues permits for Hazardous Fuels Reduction Burning. Contact Canoe Gulch Ranger Station at 12557 Hwy 37 or call Jerry at 406-283-7503 or 406-293-8768. Authorized permittees will then be contacted by Libby Air Quality Control and informed of the days and hours they are allowed to burn. If further information is needed, call Air Quality in Libby at 406-293-7781 ext 220.

Remember Before You Light It Be Prepared to Fight It.

LibbyMt.com > News > October 2009 > Conditions prompt fire officials into urging caution
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