Chicks on April 28
Viewer Kitty Schuettpelz wrote in and said she first saw the chicks in the nest on Sunday afternoon, April 26th around 5:30 PM.

Bald Eagle Nest
View of the nest on Monday, May 4, 2009. The chicks hatched last Sunday on April 26th.
Bald Eagles hatch two chicks
Watch them on the webcam!
by Dawn Ballou, LibbyMT.com
May 4, 2009
The pair of bald eagles nesting up near Libby Dam are the proud parents of two chicks. Viewer Kitty Schuettpelz wrote in and said she first saw the chicks in the nest on Sunday afternoon, April 26th around 5:30 PM.
The chicks will grow rapidly over the next several weeks and will be ready to fly and go out on their own around mid-July. You can watch the adults tend the chicks and watch them grow via a webcam the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has installed viewing into this nest. The live video feed of the webcam view can be seen in the Visitor Center up at the dam.
Libby Dam is located approximately 17 miles upstream on the Kootenai River east of Libby. Click on the links below to get to the webcam and for more information about Libby Dam.