Where are the Enviros?
April 10, 2009
Western journalist Ray Wing is the senior editor of High Country News in Bozeman, Montana. He has published three novels, and earned a George Polk Award for political reporting. In an online article posted on High Country News on April 9, he questioned the lack of attention and apparent caring about the Libby asbestos health situation by environmental activist groups.
"The influential groups are busy designating more wilderness, and filing lawsuits to protect wolves, and pushing Congress to reform mining law, battling coal, battling oil and gas, battling off-road drivers etc. etc. But I hear very little from the groups about the biggest environmental disaster directly affecting people. I'm talking about the poisoning of hundreds of working-class people in Libby, Montana, by asbestos fibers. Mining from 1924 to 1990 spread the deadly fibers throughout the small town. Hundreds of locals have died from terrible lung disease and more suffer every day," he wrote.
Click on this link to read his comments about Libby in his column, "Ray Wing’s West:" Battle for justice in Libby might collapse, and green groups barely notice