Pictured: L-R, Row 1: Erin Leighty, Sue Graham. Row 2: Laura Sedler, Jeanie Gentry, Margie Nelson, Amy Hughes. Row 3: Susan Horelick, Cindy Peek, Gayl Smith, Toni Franke, Barb Dumont. Row 4: Machelle Brossman, Jordan Greene, Steve Chavez, Rick Curtiss
SJLH employees support Kootenai Pets for Life
by Kate Bartz, St. John's Lutheran Hospital
July 12, 2008
On July 11, 2008, St. John’s Lutheran Hospital employees banded together to support Kootenai Pets for Life, raising over $300.00 at their quarterly jeans day fundraiser. For a donation to Kootenai Pets for Life, employees at the hospital received the opportunity to wear jeans to work.
Related Link: St. John’s Lutheran Hospital, www.sjlh.com