2008 SJLH scholarship recipients Megan Wedel (LHS), Megan Etienne (THS), and Riley Hoyer (LHS). Scholarship recipients not pictured are Jim Mee and Brian Cooper. Photo courtesy SJLH.
Local Students Celebrate Hospital Scholarships
by St. John's Lutheran Hospital
July 10, 2008
On July 8, 2008, SJLH Medical Scholarship recipients and their families joined the employees of St. John’s Lutheran hospital to celebrate the recipients' scholarship awards. The employees at St. John’s Hospital are encouraging local students to pursue degrees in the field of medicine by offering annual scholarships. Ten years ago a group of employees devised a plan to raise funds for local students who were pursuing degrees in healthcare. The employees involved the entire hospital in their quest and started the SJLH Medical Scholarship Fund. According to Susan Horelick, of the SJLH Scholarship Committee, 32 students from our area have benefited from over $13,400.00 in scholarship funds over the past 10 years. "The employees at St. John’s do so much more than just provide medical services to the community," commented Horelick. "They raise funds for all types of health related organizations and give freely of their time and talents in a number of groups and organizations. We are 230 employees strong and want to make a difference. The scholarship fund is just one way we can accomplish that." In addition to employee dollars, the hospital matches dollar for dollar up to $1,500. The match continues to allow more graduating seniors to benefit from the Scholarship Program, added Horelick. The recipients of the 2008 scholarship awards are: Riley Hoyer of Libby, who is attending Pacific Lutheran University pursuing a Pre Med degree. Megan Etienne of Troy, who is attending University of Montana Western pursuing a degree in biology. Megan’s goal is to continue on for her Master's degree in Physical Therapy. Megan Wedel of Libby, who will be attending Eastern Washington University splitting her time between majors in biology and music; and Brian Cooper and Jim Mee, both of Libby, who will be attending the University of Montana Missoula pursuing degrees in pharmacy.
For more information about the SJLH Medical Scholarship fund, call Susan Horelick at 293-0164.
Related Link: St. John’s Lutheran Hospital, www.sjlh.com