CAG asks Libby to contribute to asbestos trust fund
Questions how $8 Million Dollar Fund has been managed
by KLCB 1230 AM Libby News Radio
June 13, 2008
The Community Advisory Group, CAG, wants the City of Libby to contribute the remaining balance and returning payments from loans of the City's Economic Development and Infrastructure Grant, commonly called the $8 Million Dollar Fund, to the CAG to start an asbestos healthcare trust fund.
The CAG invited Libby Mayor Tony Berget to this month's CAG meeting to justify how the $8 million was managed, who had received loans, specifically why the Cabinet View Country Club, and what loans were in default.
The CAG wants to establish a trust fund to pay for healthcare for asbestos victims.
Berget told the group that there is roughly one million dollars available of the economic development money, but some of that is serving as collateral on outstanding loans, and is restricted.
Berget pointed out even if the whole $8 million was available to put into a healthcare trust, it would be a "pittance" of the money needed of such a project. Berget told the group the money was intended for economic development and infrastructure, that is how it has been used, and how it should be used, and a healthcare trust does not fill that intent.
While the group continues to push for a healthcare trust fund, Berget pointed out that one already exists in the form of LAMP, the Libby Asbestos Medical Plan. "It seems to me you already have a trust fund," said Berget, "It may not be as big as you'd like, but it is a start." LAMP is funded by $1.5 million from the Montana Legislature, and funds from W.R. Grace.
Several members of the group attacked continuing to pour money into research and not adequately funding a healthcare program to care for those ill from asbestos disease.
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry and EPA have just funded more research with an $8 million health risk initiative to study long-term effects of asbestos exposure to Libby amphibole. _____________________________________ Story by KLCB 1230 AM Libby News Radio,