Black Bear Release
A yearling black bear runs out of the trap after being released in the Big Creek drainage in the Yaak. Photo courtesy Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

Up a tree
A yearling black bear climbs a tree after being released in the Big Creek drainage in the Yaak. Photo courtesy Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.
5 Yearling Black Bears returned to wild
by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
June 10, 2008
Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Wildlife Center (MWC), located in Helena, is a temporary home to Montana's orphaned wild animals. The MWC receives primarily black bear cubs that have been orphaned for various reasons, including females (mothers) that were killed by cars or illegally shot, or cubs orphaned because of poor environmental conditions, food shortages, or human disturbances. These bears come to MWC to receive a second chance to be wild again. The MWC's goal is to keep animals wild so that a successful release is possible, therefore the facility is not run like a zoo; public viewing of wildlife at the center is limited to closed circuit television monitors.
Orphaned bear cubs are fed as much food as they will consume, which primarily consists of grocery store donated fruits and vegetables supplemented by game meat. When cubs are large enough, FWP biologists schedule releases based on weather conditions. Bears are then anesthetized, ear-tagged (for identification) and transported back to the wild to the region in which they were born.
During the winter of 2008, MWC housed 35 black bear cubs. Efforts are currently underway to release these bears, which included 5 black bear yearlings from in various locations in FWP's Region One in 2007. On June 6th, 2008, these 5 yearling black bears were transported from the MWC and released in Big Creek drainage in the Yaak. All 5 bears are tagged with round green ear-tags and demonstrated a healthy aversion to humans prior to their release.
For more information on the Fish Wildlife & Parks Montana Wildlife Center see the FWP website at http://fwp.mt.gov/education/wildlifecenter/default.html. For more information on the 5 yearling black bears released in the Yaak please contact Kim Annis, Montana, Fish, Wildlife & Parks Bear Management Specialist, at 293-4161 ext. 107.