Yaak Shooting Range EA
Well-Drilling EA Open for Comment
by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
April 3, 2008
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking comments on a proposed modification to an existing shooting range enhancement grant for the Yaak Rod & Gun Club for the purpose of drilling a water well. The shooting range has a physical description that reads, "HES 431 is located in protracted sections 2 and 3 of T35N, R32W and protracted sections 34 and 35 of T36N, R32W, PMM".
Information on this project can be found at Public Notices, or a copy of the EA can be obtained from FWP at the address below. The deadline for public comment is April 28, 2008. Written comments will be accepted at FWP, PO Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620 or e-mail kcunningham@mt.gov or Montana Fish, Wildlife& Parks at (406) 444-1267. Please note that this draft EA will be considered as final if no substantive comments are received by the deadline listed above.