Bald Eagles
The eagles have been seen on the nest as early as February 26th.
The bald eagles are back!
Eagles in the Libby Dam webcam
March 4, 2008
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintains a webcam positioned to view the nesting activity of a bald eagle pair near the Libby Dam. The Libby Dam eagle cam is located near Souse Gulch on the Kootenai River. This nest began in 1996 and has been active since that time. The webcam image updates every two minutes. A live feed video image from the camera can be found in the Libby Dam Visitor Center.
Bald eagles mate for life and often return to the same nest year after year to nest. The eagles typically produce two offspring each year. Nest-tending and repair activity typically occurs during January and February. Eggs are laid sometime in late February or March. Eggs typically hatch in late March. The webcam allows people to watch the chicks grow as the adults care for them. Both adults take turns tending the eaglets. The young birds fledge (fly from the nest), typically in late July or early August.
This webcam is sponsored and maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers Libby Dam Project. For more information about the nest, contact Libby Dam Park Ranger Mark J. Andreasen, Phone: 406-293-7751 ext 253.
The Libby Dam eagle page can be found at: http://www.nws.usace.army.mil/PublicMenu/Menu.cfm?sitename=libby&pagename=eagle_cam_main
LibbyMT.com has created our own webpage for the Libby Dam bald eagle cam (photos used with permission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Libby Dam). This page cam be found at: www.libbyeaglecam.com or http://www.libbymt.com/webcam/libbydameaglecam.htm.
This webpage includes a current image of the nest as well as hourly images over the past 24-hours, and photos of highlights of activity during the season. An archived page gives nest activity information and pictures from 2007 and 2006.