Water releases from Libby Dam to increase
River conditions could change quickly
November 18, 2007
Seattle -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be increasing water releases from Libby Dam in Montana beginning in November or December as the project begins its draft for flood risk management.
Libby will be drafted to meet the current flood risk management end-of-December target elevation of 2411 feet. This operation is consistent with the ramping rates consulted in the 2006 USFWS Biological Opinion.
River users should note that the river conditions can change rapidly and should adjust river use plans accordingly. The project may increase flows as much as 2 units per day (approximately 10,000 cfs) and decrease flows as much as 1 unit per day (approximately 5,000 cfs).
The water level in the river below Libby Dam varies with discharge. Local tributary inflow contributes a minimum amount to the Kootenai River flow volume in the late fall and winter.
Libby Dam is part of the Federal Columbia River Power System and serves multiple purposes for the region, including flood risk management, hydropower generation, recreation, and fish and wildlife. Power generated at Libby is marketed by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Related Link: Libby Dam web site