Kootenai NF Releases SOPA
Schedule of Proposed Actions
October 4, 2007
The Kootenai National Forest has released its latest edition of SOPA (Schedule of Proposed Actions). The SOPA contains a list of proposed actions that will begin or are currently undergoing environmental analysis and documentation. The schedule shows the project timeline and a contact person for each project to contact with questions or comments.
Projects include: - Brush Creek fire salvage. - Cabinet Ranger District Travel Plan. - Gem Peak Lookout road management. - Little Beaver HFRA. - North Fork Bull River channel reconstruction. - Saint Paul trailhead improvement. - Special Use Permit renewals. - Phills Lake Road Use Authorization. - Sylvanite Refuse Site. - Troy Mine revised reclamation plan. - Forest Plan revision. - Land exchanges. - Proposed timber sales and thinning projects. - Prescribed burns and controlled fire use projects. - Utility right-of-way maintenance. - Road building for private property access. - Road decommissioning.
Related Links: October 2007-December 2007 SOPA (html) October 2007-December 2007 SOPA (pdf)