Hospital Fundraiser Dinner
Pictured Left to Right: Gary Spencer, Glacier Bank; Gene Chappell, Chairman SJLH Foundation; Bill Patten, CEO St. John's; and Chari Lucas, Lincoln County Credit Union. Photo courtesy St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Digital Mammography Fundraising Campaign kicks off
St. John's Lutheran Hospital in Libby
June 20, 2007
Over one hundred St. John’s Hospital supporters gathered on June 14th, at the 5th Annual Hospital Society Appreciation dinner, to kick-off the first leg of a two-year fundraising journey that will enable St. John’s to purchase Digital Mammography equipment. This technology will allow the hospital to significantly upgrade their imaging capabilities for this vital annual test.
According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, this year in America alone, more than 212,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. In addition, 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. If detected early, the five-year survival rate exceeds 95%.
Betty Textor, RT, (R, M, CT), Mammography Technologist at St. John’s, reinforces the need for a technology upgrade. “In 2006 we performed nearly 1500 mammograms, 200 of which required additional work-ups,” said Textor.
“Digital mammography provides a higher resolution and the ability to manipulate digital images, magnify and change contrast, to better interpret them. This is important for two reasons. First, the Radiologist can better diagnose cancers that they may not have detected with basic mammography. Second, in some cases, the technology can be used to identify questionable films without requiring the patient to come back in and have additional work-ups. This will be a great saving to our patients financially and emotionally,” said Textor.
Three local businesses-- Glacier Bank, Genesis, Inc. and Lincoln County Credit Union-- initiated the Digital Mammography Campaign-- at the Society Dinner-- with $5,000 donations each and a challenge to other community businesses to support this fundraising effort.
Bill Patten, CEO at St. John’s, demonstrated his personal support of this vital project by challenging the medical community and other individual donors to, lead by example, by providing the first individual donation of $500.
In 2006, the St. John’s Foundation provided over $55,000 for equipment to enhance patient care.
For more information about the Digital Mammography Campaign and/or the St. John’s Lutheran Hospital Foundation please call KC Hoyer at 406-293-0106.
Related Links: St. John’s Lutheran Hospital, www.sjlh.com