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LibbyMt.com > News > May 2007 > Hospital Jeans Day Takes Off for Wings

. Photo by SJLH.
St. John's Hospital Employees Kick-off WINGs week with "Jeans Day Fundraiser" Front Row L - R: Jeanie Gentry; Bill Patten, CEO St. John's; Connie Wood, WINGs Chairwoman; KC Hoyer. 2nd Row L- R: Sandy Heinlein, Margy Nelson, Sue Graham, Amber Benefield, Linda Matthews. 3rd Row L- R: Susan Horelick, Annie Vignali, Steve Chavez. 4th Row L - R: Barb Dumont, Machelle Brossman, Eve Moe, Amanda Paulsen. 5th Row L - R: Jackie Hare, Becky Brundin, Ashley Thompson, Carly Thompson. 6th Row L - R: Becky Walters, Mark Kroll, Lou Courts.
Hospital Jeans Day Takes Off for Wings
May 5, 2007

St. John's Lutheran Hospital kicked off the annual WINGs Week 2007 by holding a "Jeans Day" fundraiser for the cancer assistance organization.

Over the past six years the employees of St. John's have raised over $13,000 for health related non-profit organizations in the Libby/Troy area. The employees are given the benefit to wear Jean's for a donation of their
choice and the dollars raised are then donated to the non-profit. According to KC Hoyer, Marketing Manager at St. John's, the WINGs fundraiser raised nearly $500.

WINGs is a grass roots organization that provides cash support for people in Northwest Montana who are being treated for cancer. The cash grants cover transportation, meals and lodging expenses, things that can add a lot to the cost of having cancer and are not included under insurance coverage for treatment.

Since 1997 WINGs has raised and distributed over three-quarters of a million dollars. In 2006 $106,264 was given away; $64,819.00 was distributed to Lincoln County, helping 103 local residents. The program helps recipients of all ages with the youngest being just 4 months old and the oldest 85.

"We sincerely hope that you join our efforts to fundraise for this worthy cause," added Hoyer. "The communities of Lincoln County are known for their support of this program not only monetarily, but in program support as well. It takes a combined effort and our communities really shine in that department."

Story and photo courtesy KC Hoyer, St. John's Lutheran Hospital

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