Ruth Fenn with her cardiac rehab display at the 2006 SJLH Health Fair
St. John's Annual Health Fair on March 31st
March 28, 2007
One sure sign of spring is the Annual “Road to Health” Health Fair sponsored by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital. This year the annual event will be held on Saturday, March 31 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Memorial Center in Libby.
The Fair celebrates health and wellness with the community by bringing together numerous wellness related displays and activities including reduced or free health screenings, free bone density screening, blood typing, blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, Bike Safety Bike Give-a-Way, a new fitness activity for the kids, the ever popular children’s hospital, emergency service vehicles and many other health related products and services.
For those community members who missed the pre-fair health screenings; discounted health-screening vouchers for total cholesterol, glucose, Glycohemoglogin (A1C), prostate and thyroid will be sold at the fair.
Local medical providers will also be on hand to answer questions concerning the pre-fair health screening results or other health concerns.
“The Health Fair is St. John’s way of giving back to our communities so, as always, it is free to the public,” commented KC Hoyer, St. John’s Marketing Manager and Coordinator of this years’ fair. “The Fair is a wonderful learning experience for local health professionals and the communities they serve. The intent of our Fair is to provide the venue for our communities to familiarize themselves with the healthcare services available to them. We are encouraged by the response and anticipate another great turnout.”
For more information about the Health Fair contact KC at 203-0106.
Related Links: St. John’s Lutheran Hospital,