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Flu Shot Clinics at Rosauers
Offered by St. John's Hospital
February 11, 2007

Has the flu season peaked yet? No; according to the Centers for Disease Control, the flu season most often peaks in February in the United States, but may peak anywhere from December through May. St. John’s Lutheran Hospital will be offering two mid-season flu shot clinics at Rosauers on Tuesday, February 20, and Thursday, February 22, both from 3-6 p.m.

“We recently reported our first case of confirmed flu at St. John’s last week and saw two more this week, so we know it’s beginning to hit in our area. We will continue to encourage people to get vaccinated throughout the flu season, especially if they fall into a high risk category,” said Ruth Fenn, RN, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), annual influenza vaccinations are now recommended for the following groups:
- Children aged 6–59 months,
- Pregnant women,
- Persons aged 50 or older,
- Persons of any age with certain chronic medical conditions; and
- Persons who live with or care for persons at high risk, including household contacts who have frequent contact with persons at high risk and who can transmit influenza to those people at high risk and health care workers.

Montana is beginning to see some flu activity. “There have been 19 reported cases throughout the state,” said Fenn. “The closest to this area are the couple of cases that have been reported in the Flathead. I believe that our flu season is just getting under way, so get immunized if you haven’t already. In addition, the ACIP emphasizes that influenza vaccine should continue to be offered throughout the influenza season even after influenza activity has been documented in a community.”

Related Links:
St. John’s Lutheran Hospital in Libby, www.sjlh.com

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