Kootenai NF Releases SOPA
Schedule of Proposed Actions
October 4, 2006
The Kootenai National Forest released their latest edition of SOPA, their Schedule of Proposed Actions. The SOPA contains a list of proposed actions that will begin or are currently undergoing environmental analysis and documentation. The schedule shows the project timeline and a contact person for each project to contact with questions or comments.
Projects include: - Proposed timber sales and thinning projects. - Prescribed burns and controlled fire use projects. - West Fork Pilgrim Creek Stream rehabilitation project. - A Special Use Permit for North End Outfitter & Guides in Fortine. - Trail construction for Bear Lake area access. - Watershed & fuels projects in the Miller Creek/West Fisher/Silver Butte area approximately 20 miles south of Libby. - Placer mine permit on Libby Creek. - A silver/copper mine adjacent to the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness area 18 miles south of Libby. - A mineral exploration Plan of Operation and special use request to reopening two closed mine portals for Prospect Hill Mineral Exploration. - Grazing permit renewals for the West Kootenai, Boulder/Scalp Mountain, Pinkham Creek, and Rondo/Mud Lake cattle allotments. - Utility right-of-way permits. - Road building for private property access. - Road decommissioning. - Proposed Snipetown project for panning and dredging along the Yaak River. - Upper Pine Creek Stone Quarry for commercial building stone collection. - Construction of bridge across Burnt Creek for yearlong access to private property for the Independence Creek Road User Association on Forest Road #472 (3 Rivers RD).
Related Links: October 2006-December 2006 SOPA (html) October 2006-December 2006 SOPA (pdf) Past SOPA Reports