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LibbyMt.com > News > August 2006 > Update on Red Eagle Fire-Glacier National Park

Update on Red Eagle Fire-Glacier National Park
31,818 acres and is estimated at 75% contained
August 13, 2006

As of Sunday, August 13, Glacier National Park officials report that the Red Eagle Fire burning in Glacier National Park near St. Mary is 31,818 acres and is estimated at 75% contained.

The fire began July 28th. The cause remains under investigation.

Currently there are 515 people assigned to the fire. Equipment includes 1 helicopter, 21 engines, 7 bulldozers and 2 water tenders.

Approximately 47% (14,965 acres) of the fire is on Blackfeet Tribal Trust Lands, 53% (16,810 acres) is in Glacier National Park, and less than 1%, (43 acres) of the fire is on private land within the Blackfeet Nation. The estimated fire perimeter is over 80 miles

Drivers are reminded NOT to stop in the fire zone, with the exception of graveled turnouts. Any side roads off the fire area are closed to public travel due to fire fighters and fire equipment in the area. A 35 mph speed limit is in effect for Highway 89 south of St. Mary through this zone and near the Fire Camp.

Fire crews are continuing patrol and mop up on all divisions on those areas with established containment lines. Rehabilitation efforts are underway around the fire. Road grading of access roads and rehabilitation of interior lines will continue. Firefighters will continue management efforts such as bucket drops to confine the portion of the fire within Glacier National Park.

Limited access and steep terrain within Glacier National Park, areas with heavy fuels, low fuel moisture, and significant acreage of spotty burn on the eastern flanks challenge suppression efforts.

FIRE RESTRICTIONS in Glacier National Park: There is a ban on building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire in the backcountry of Glacier National Park and in the frontcountry campgrounds at Quartz Creek and Cutbank. Liquid petroleum and LPG stoves are permissible. In addition, smoking is prohibited in the backcountry, including all areas beyond a trailhead.

Information about Glacier National Park is available at www.nps.gov/glac or by calling (406) 888-7800.

Information on the Red Eagle Fire can be found on the web at www.inciweb.org/incident/374/.

LibbyMt.com > News > August 2006 > Update on Red Eagle Fire-Glacier National Park
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