Kootenai Forest July SOPA
Schedule of Proposed Actions
July 11, 2006
The Kootenai National Forest has released their most recent Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA) for the Forest. The SOPA includes proposed activities on each of the Forest’s ranger districts, including timber sales, special use permits, mining, trail and recreational uses, watershed restoration and other activities. The entire document can be viewed online at the following website: Kootenai July 2006 SOPA
Below are selected proposed activities of interest.
FORTINE RANGER DISTRICT North End Outfitter & Guide Special Use Permits Description: Provide Outfitter and Guide services to the public, both consumptive and non-consumptive. Scoping start 04/11/2006 Decision expected Expected: 09/2006 FS Contact for more information: Marcy Butts 406-882-4451 x8341, mbutts@fs.fed.us
LIBBY RANGER DISTRICT Montanore Project Decision expected: 09/2007 Expected implementation: 12/2007 FS Contact: Bobbie Lacklen, 406-293-7773, blacklen@fs.fed.us Description: The Kootenai National Forest, in conjunction with Montana's Deptartment of Environmental Quality will prepare an EIS for a proposal to permit the development of the Montanore silver/copper mine and associated power transmission line by Mines Management Inc Mineral exploration Plan of Operation, and special use request for access. Location is approximately 18 miles south of Libby, MT adjacent to the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. The surface mill would be located in the Ramsey Creek drainage. Includes opening a closed road, construction of approximately 1.5 miles of new road, and reopening two closed mine portals. Issuance of an amended Special Use Authorization for the proposed rebuilding, operation, and maintenance of a 17-mile-long portion of Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) Libby to Bonners Ferry 115-kilovolt (kV) transmission line. More info on the web: http://fs.fed.us/r1/kootenai/projects/projects/montanore/
Prospect Hill Mineral Exploration/Prospect Hill Access EA Description: Mineral exploration Plan of Operation, and special use request for access. Includes opening a closed road, construction of approximately 1.5 miles of new road, and reopening two closed mine portals. Planning Stage: In Progress Scoping started: 07/25/2005 Decision Expected: 10/2006 Expected implementation: 02/2007 FS Contact: Lynn Hagarty, 406-283-7502, lhagarty@fs.fed.us
THREE RIVERS RANGER DISTRICT Dorr Skeels Campground Phone Description: Phone service line to Host site - Approximately 100 feet. Planning stage: Developing Proposal Estimated Scoping Start: 07/2006 Decision Expected: 07/2006 Expected Implementation: 08/2006 FS Contact: Dick Harlow, 406-295-4693, dharlow@fs.fed.us
Snipetown Plan of Operations EA Description: Proposal for panning and dredging along the Yaak River Planning stage: In Progress Scoping start: 05/24/2005 Decision Expected: 08/2006 Expected implementation: 07/2007 FS Contact: Dick Harlow, 406-295-4693, dharlow@fs.fed.us
Troy Shooting Range EA Description: Approve a special use permit for developing and operating a shooting range near the town of Troy, Montana. Planning stage completed Decision made: 03/31/2006 Expected implementation: 08/2006 FS Contact: Kathy Mohar, 406-295-7426, kmohar@fs.fed.us